Lee of the Day: A History
This Lee was inspired by the fact that Lee himself and Mickey have the exact same speaking voice.
There's something just not right about Lee…
Lee of the Day: A History
This Lee was inspired by the fact that Lee himself and Mickey have the exact same speaking voice.
Lee of the Day: A History
I took a picture off of Lee’s website and cut out the head but never had a plan for what I would do with it.
Maybe I should have thought harder….
Better suggestions will be gladly accepted.
Lee of the Day: A History
I never had an intention make a pizza delivery boy Lee, but when I received word that Lee himself was awarded a monthly recognition from his employer, I had a feeling that working for Domino’s would be the only way it could occur.
Plus he is fat from all the cinna-stix.
Lee of the Day: A History
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This one was suggested by Don Venticinque because of his infatuation with dyslexic muppets.
This was the first Lee to have an altered height and the 467th to have green skin.
Lee of the Day: A History
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This one was very fun to make and word is that if you look at it while on shrooms, there are all kinds of hidden messages
Lee of the Day: A History
Suggested by Kim H, this Lee was well received because of the individually placed sparkles.
He will one day be replaced by Eartha Kitt Lee.
Lee of the Day: A History
What a clever play on words.
Also, his shirt reads, ‘Drama Queen’.
With this kind of quality material, I should write for Will & Grace.
Lee of the Day: A History
A whole lot of people hated this one which is strange because making a cartoon look like Pam wasn’t very difficult.
I even colored his toenails to match his bathing suit!
You people are ruthless
Lee of the Day: A History
This is just like the poster I have at home!!
Larry’s mullet came out okay, but Magic’s terrible talk show abilities was a lot harder to depict.
Lee of the Day: A History
This was suggested by Don Venticinque because of his infatuation with peeping at old men through windows.
I used a pic I found on the net to make the Popemobile as accurate as possible, (right down to the tire pressure).
This is a rare Lee that features an appearance of a previous Lee.
Speed Racer Lee can’t go too fast though, because the Popemobile only goes XV m.p.h.