007 373 5963 Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

As every American Male under 40 knows, those magic 10 numbers are the code to take on Mike Tyson in Punch-Out!
If a sequel is in the works, they are going to have to update Mike’s pic with that sweet face-tattoo.

Frankenberry Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

Have you ever realized how lame Frankenberry is?
Are we supposed to be scared of him or feel bad for him?
He has a pressure gauge and a steam-whistle coming out of his head for crying out loud.

More Cowbell Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

Inspired by the popular SNL skit, this Lee has a fever and the on prescription is more cowbell.

Slimer Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

It may just be a coincidence, but I think we have an unofficial levitating comedic sidekick theme going on here.
Either way, I am thirsty for some Ecto-Cooler Hi-C.